The World is Your Urinal; Don't Take Life Sitting Down - DC Clubbing

The World is Your Urinal; Don’t Take Life Sitting Down

All the girls standing in the line for the bathroom!

people in line for the bathroom
Sick of waiting in line for the bathroom?


Hey ladies…

Ever dreamed of relieving yourself without the hassle of waiting for a stall to open up?

Here are a few innovative, yet shocking solutions to this age-old problem:


The Pollee

Designed by Danish company UiWE/PeeBetter, the Pollee Shy, Pollee Topless and Pollee Naked are three women’s urinal prototypes that allow for varied amounts of coverage in the powder room.

The pollee series of women's urinals
The Pollee Shy, Pollee Topless and Pollee Naked provide varying degrees of privacy for women's urinals
the women's urinal, by pollee
Identity Festival yes. Minibar we're not so sure about

These women’s urinals were recently unveiled at Roskilde Festival (Denmark), one of Europe’s largest music festivals. Imagine going to Bonaroo, Coachella, or Identity Festival Washington DC and not having to use nasty port-a-potties.


Standing Alternatives

Want to push the envelope and do away with sitting down altogether? No problem, several companies have come out with different solutions:

The She-pee, The Shewee, The Whiz and our personal favorite, the Go-Girl, are all designed to eliminate the need to sit or squat. It’s basically a plastic penis, which allows women to “aim” at the desired location.